Music for Strings

Performed by Rafele Andrade at the São Paulo Contemporary Composers Festival
Unicamp, August 2024

for four violins
Premiered at Christ Church, New Haven
November 2016

for solo cello
Commissioned and recorded by Stephen Marotto
September 2015

for solo contrabass
Commissioned and premiered by Erez Meyuhass
Yale School of Music, May 2017

for solo violin
Recorded by Wynton Grant
Yale School of Music, October 2016

Solo Piano

Commissioned and premiered by Constantine Finehouse
Whitney Humanities Center, December 2016

Commissioned and premiered by Peng Lin

Yale School of Music, April 2020

Commissioned and premiered by Maxwell Foster
Yale School of Music, May 2019

Music for Mixed Chamber Ensembles

for cello and harp
Written for the Arizona Friends of Chamber Music
Premiered by Juan David Mejia and Carla Fabris
Tucson, AZ, July 2020

for large ensemble
Premiered by members of the Yale Philharmonia
Sprague Hall, November 2018

Music and Sound Design for Theatre


Written by Melvin Bukiet

Music by Anteo Fabris

Premiered at the Teatro Latea as part of the 2023 New York Theatre Festival

NYT Review

Der Kult der Toten Kuh (“Cult of the Dead Cow”)

An interactive game-theatre performance about data collection and the immortality of data online.

Written and directed by Laura Tontsch

Music and Sound Design by Anteo Fabris

Premiered at the Zurich University of the Arts (Zürcher Hochschule der Künste)

Forthcoming performance at the Figurentheaterfestival, Germany

Is God Is
“A classic revenge tale about two sisters that blends tragedy, typography, the Spaghetti Western, hip-hop and Afropunk.”
Written by Aleshea Harris, winner of the 2016 Relentless Award
Directed by Christopher Betts at the Yale Cabaret, 2020
Sound Design and Music by Anteo Fabris

Film Scores

Commercial, Studio Uni
Yunnan, China
September 2018

Commissioned by designer Camilla Huey
June 2015
Watch More

Opera Concept

(A prospective opera) Magnetic Processes In Turbulent Space explores "god status," modern class disparity and Marc Augé’s theory of the “non-place” through the stories of Apollo, Cassandra, Leucothoë, Daphne and Marsyas.

Scored for electronics and baroque consort. Includes projections and live-feed cameras.

Music by Anteo Fabris
Lyrics by Kulimushi Barongozi
Set design made possible by the Yale Center for Engineering, Innovation and Design
Projections by Camilla Tassi
Visual Art by Jessica Mei Fleming
Role of Cassandra played by L. Nielsen

Preliminary scene performed at the Yale School of Music, Morse Recital Hall, November 2019

For more information, contact me


Boston University Symphony Orchestra
April 2013

Yale Philharmonia
December 2018